Saturday, December 16, 2006

Deja Vu (2006)

Deja Vu was entertaining, mindless fun. Well acted, easy to watch. Plot-driven, suspenseful, action packed--with a silly sci-fi, time-travel twist. What fun! It wasn't a great movie. Possibly not even a good movie. It had a few, mild pretensions to be something larger than it was but not enough to bother me. (Set in New Orleans, dedicated to Katrina victims--but the movie doesn't deal directly with those issues.) The female lead, Paula Patton, came off as a thin (as in not as good an actress as) Halle Berry, but I enjoyed Denzel.

(Note: There must be an extreme age difference between Patton and Washington (he's 52), but I can't find her age listed anywhere. I'd guess she's 30 +/- 3 years. However, their romance is completely unconsummated, so it's not a huge deal.)

This is the movie to see when you want to be entertained, not think too much, but not be infuriated or insulted by idiotic romantic tropes or completely ridiculous plots. Well, the plot is ridiculous, but it's sufficiently entertaining to make it a forgivable offense.

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