Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Breach (2007)

Breach is a very subdued film. It deals with the worst case of espionage in US history, but there is no particular lack of urgency in the film. The acting, particularly Chris Cooper, is first class. Cooper is an understated wonder. A few review objected to the lack of exposition of his character, but I think that would be telling and Cooper shows you all anyone ever could know about Robert Hanssen, the real FBI agent he portrays. It would be nice to have an explanation for Hanssen's behavior, and the film provides clues, but I don't think it's a question that can be answered--and the film doesn't try. Ryan Phillippe ,who I generally find objectionable gives a quite credible performance. Maybe in another five to ten years, I'll actually start to look forward to seeing him in a picture. Sadly, I think Laura Linney was wasted--and the stereotyping of her as a bitter, lonely, cat-owner was completely egregious. Please! Could we see a little admiration for a woman who makes as a senior agent at the FBI, a notoriously patriarchal organization?

This was a well-crafted film, and not bad watching, but I didn't love it.


Anonymous said...

just discovered your movie review blog. as an ardent movie fan, this is great. i'll add you to my sources for movies. thanks for taking the time to do this. haven't seen Breach yet, but did hear it was quite good and Chris Cooper is terrific. isn't he always?

Jamy said...

David--I do a lousy job of keeping this site updated, but I'll try and do better. I also need to see more movies!

Chris Cooper is always fantastic.