Sunday, December 18, 2005

Syriana (2005)

I'm sure Syriana is a fine movie (or maybe not), but all I cared about was getting to the non-subtitled parts so I could close my eyes. Perhaps it wasn't the best movie to see on almost no sleep. I have to say that it doesn't speak well for the film that it didn't get me to perk up at all. And I didn't like it enough to see it again.

I was expecting a satisfyingly complicated plot. I like that. This plot--well, it wasn't complicated as much as it was opaque. I'm not even sure what the point was. To figure that out, I'd need to see it again. And I don't want to. My buddy, Spesh, who is the Political Commissar for film (meaning he decides whether a film has good politics and I argue with him about it), was disappointed in its politics, but I'm not sure why. The Commissar doesn't need to explain his opinions. I was just disappointed. Those high expectations will get you every time.


Anonymous said...

I also fell asleep during Syriana, and I wasn't especially tired! I was confused by the plot and figured C-Money would explain it to me afterwards, but he didn't really get it either!

Anonymous said...

I did so get it!! Good thing she told me about this page so that I could debunk these outrageous and completely false rumors!

Anonymous said...